Fat removal treatments

Fat removal treatments are achieved at MiraMe Health using revolutionary fat burning treatments such as the Morpheus body and fat dissolving injections such as Kybellla.

Morpheus Body
The Morpheus Body uses radiofrequency technology to heat and destroy targeted fat cells, allowing your body to eliminate them over time. The thermal energy melts away fat and triggers new collagen production to produce refreshed results. Our devices come with built-in safeguards to protect your skin from excess heat. The procedure is minimally invasive, highly effective, and reduces fat bulges in problem areas without surgery.

What are the benefits of a Morpheus Body treatment?
The benefits you can expect after undergoing a Morpheus body treatment at MiraMe Health include:

  • Slimmer appearance
  • Smoother body contours
  • Permanent fat reduction
  • No pain, surgery, or downtime
  • Long-lasting outcomes
  • Younger-looking appearance
  • Superior results
  • Minimal risks
  • Tighter skin
  • Increased collagen and elastin production

Morpheus Body offers superior results when diet and exercise don’t eliminate stubborn fat pockets.

Is a Morpheus Body treatment right for me?
Your MiraMe Health specialist customizes Morpheus body treatments based on your goals. To achieve the best results, you should be at or close to an ideal body weight before undergoing fat removal. If you’re not, MiraMe Health offers medical weight management, plant-based nutrition coaching, bioidentical hormone therapy, and other solutions to help you achieve a healthy weight.

What should I expect during a Morpheus body treatment?
During fat removal using the Morpheus Body radiofrequency microneedling, you rest on a comfortable exam table. Your aesthetic provider cleans and numbs the treatment area. They use a hand-held device to emit radiofrequency energy into your skin, along with microneedling. The procedure makes tiny painless tears in the skin, stimulates new cell growth, and destroys targeted fat cells. The length of each treatment depends on the size of the treatment areas. It might take 10-20 minutes or longer.

Kybella Injections: Get rid of that double chin with Kybella!

The fat under your chin may not go away regardless of how much you diet and exercise. Submental fat, also known as double-chin, can be hard to lose. That is why we offer Kybella injections at MiraMe Health, in Avondale. This FDA-approved injectable is specifically designed to help improve the appearance of fat under your chin. Jacqueline Guzman, FNP-BC and her staff are ready to help you reduce your double chin with Kybella. If you are interested in this treatment, please contact our office today.

What is Kybella?
Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable prescription medicine. It is used to improve the appearance of moderate to severe fat below the chin (submental fat), also known as “double chin.”

How Does Kybella Work?
Kybella is synthetic deoxycholic acid. A naturally occurring molecule in the human body, deoxycholic acid aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella destroys the unwanted fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fatty fullness under the chin. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat. Therefore, once you reach your aesthetic goals, further treatments are not typically required.

What happens after my fat removal treatment?
After fat removal at MiraMe Health, it’s important to follow your specialist’s instructions. They may recommend applying creams or ointments to the treated skin, which is often temporarily swollen, tender, or red. You may not notice immediate fat-reduction results, but your body eliminates the destroyed cells over time. You might need repeat treatments to achieve your desired outcome. Maintain your new contours by eating nutritious foods, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, maintaining an ideal weight, and taking dietary supplements as directed by your MiraMe Health weight loss specialist. To learn more about fat removal at MiraMe Health, call the office or use the online booking feature today.